107 research outputs found

    Evaluating Differences of Erosion Patterns in Natural and Anthropogenic Basins through Scenario Testing: A Case Study of the Claise, France and Nahr Ibrahim, Lebanon

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    This study assessed soil erosion risks of two basins representing different geographical, topographical, climatological and land occupation/management settings. A comparison and an evaluation of site-specific factors influencing erosion in the French Claise and the Lebanese Nahr Ibrahim basins were performed. The Claise corresponds to a natural park with a flat area and an oceanic climate, and is characterized by the presence of 2179 waterbodies (mostly ponds) considered as hydro-sedimentary alternating structures, while Nahr Ibrahim represents an orographic Mediterranean basin characterized by a random unequal land occupation distribution. The Claise was found to be under 12.48% no erosion (attributed to the dense pond network), 65.66% low, 21.68% moderate and 0.18% high erosion risks; while Nahr Ibrahim was found to be under 4, 39.5 and 56.4%, low, moderate and high erosion risks, along with 66% land degradation determined from the intersection of land capability and land occupation maps. Under the alternative scenario for the Claise where ponds were considered dried, erosion risks became 1.12, 0.52, 76.8 and 21.56%, no erosion, low, moderate and high risks, respectively. For Nahr Ibrahim, and following the Land Degradation Neutrality intervention, high erosion risks decreased by 13.9%, while low and moderate risks increased by 3 and 10.8%


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    The role of Psychology in schools is currently shaped by the way in which the production of hegemonic Psychology consolidated a set of knowledge in the educational area. As a consequence, several criticisms arise regarding the underlying assumptions of the contributions offered. Thus, the objective was to analyze the relationship between what the technical framework proposes for the work of Psychology professionals in basic education according to CREPOP and the student demands in the school environment. This is a qualitative research, of the research-intervention type, which included collection and analysis of field data. The sample consisted of 45 students regularly enrolled in 2nd year high school classes at a Full-Time State School in the interior of Ceará. We chose to carry out the research following a two-step plan: in the first phase, with provocative questions on the topic in the classroom; secondly, using a form with questions about the challenges faced by students at school and how Psychology professionals could contribute to facing these adversities. As for the data analysis method, Michel Foucault's discourse analysis was used. The results were presented based on three categories: institutional and pedagogical demands, student demands and contributions from Psychology. Finally, the study highlighted several personal, social and pedagogical demands that emerged in the dialogue with the students, thus expanding the scope and richness of the investigation.El papel de la Psicología en la escuela está actualmente configurado por la forma en que la producción de la Psicología hegemónica consolidó un conjunto de saberes en el área educativa. consecuentemente, surgen varias críticas respecto de los supuestos subyacentes de las contribuciones ofrecidas. Así, el objetivo fue analizar la relación entre lo que propone el marco técnico para el trabajo de los profesionales de la Psicología en la educación básica según el CREPOP y las demandas de los estudiantes en el ámbito escolar. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, del tipo investigación-intervención, que incluyó recolección y análisis de datos de campo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 45 estudiantes matriculados regularmente en clases de 2º año de secundaria en una escuela estatal de tiempo completo en el interior de Ceará. Se decidió realizar la investigación siguiendo un plan de dos etapas: en la primera fase, con preguntas provocativas sobre el tema en el aula; en segundo lugar, utilizar un formulario con preguntas sobre los desafíos que enfrentan los estudiantes en la escuela y cómo los profesionales de la Psicología podrían contribuir a enfrentar estas adversidades. En cuanto al método de análisis de datos, se utilizó el análisis del discurso de Michel Foucault. Los resultados se presentaron con base en tres categorías: demandas institucionales y pedagógicas, demandas estudiantiles y aportes desde la Psicología. El estudio destacó varias demandas personales, sociales y pedagógicas que surgieron en el diálogo con los estudiantes, ampliando así el alcance y la riqueza de la investigación.A atuação da Psicologia na escola é moldada atualmente pela forma como a produção da Psicologia hegemônica consolidou um conjunto de conhecimentos na área educacional. Como consequência, surgem diversas críticas em relação às suposições subjacentes das contribuições oferecidas. Dessa forma, objetivou-se analisar a relação entre o que propõe o referencial técnico para a atuação de profissionais de Psicologia na educação básica conforme o CREPOP e as demandas discentes no ambiente escolar.  Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo pesquisa-intervenção, que incluiu coleta e análise de dados de campo. A amostra foi constituída por 45 alunos regularmente matriculados nas turmas de 2º ano do ensino médio em uma Escola Estadual de Tempo Integral no interior do Ceará. Optou-se por realizar a pesquisa seguindo um plano de duas etapas: na primeira fase, com questões provocativas sobre o tema em sala de aula; segundo momento, utilizando formulário com questionamentos sobre os desafios enfrentados por discentes na escola e como os profissionais de Psicologia poderiam contribuir no enfrentamento dessas adversidades.  Quanto ao método de análise de dados, utilizou-se a análise de discurso de Michel Foucault. Os resultados foram apresentados a partir de três categorias: demandas institucionais e pedagógicas, demandas discentes e contribuições da Psicologia. Por fim, o estudo destacou diversas demandas de ordem pessoal, social e pedagógica que emergiram no diálogo com os alunos, ampliando, assim o escopo e a riqueza da investigação

    A visão da Terapia Analítica-Comportamental sobre pessoas que apresentam comportamentos depressivos

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    Introduction: Depression is a mental disorder widely experienced today, constituting a serious public health problem in Brazil. It is estimated that more than 300 million people suffer from depression around the world, and this condition differs from the usual mood swings and short-term emotional responses common to the challenges of everyday life. Behavior analysis, as an approach, has its view on depression, understanding it as response patterns acquired and maintained under certain contingencies. Objective: To discuss the characteristics of depression from the perspective of behavior analysis and the contributions of behavioral-analytic psychotherapy in people with depressive behaviors. Methods: this is an Integrative Literature Review carried out in light of six recommended steps. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, three articles were selected that addressed the central theme of the study. Results and discussion: In view of the above, it was observed that the main result of this research was the identification that the term “behavior analysis” when launched in the Databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) directs the search for studies that deal with analysis of behaviors associated with some pathology, according to the biomedical understanding of this term. This result highlights a contradiction that involves Psychology as a science linked to the field of health and/or human sciences. Final considerations: The need for studies that discuss behavior analysis as a theoretical approach brought by Skinner is highlighted, since many studies considered it in common sense and not as an aspect of Psychology.Introducción: La depresión es un trastorno mental ampliamente vivido por los individuos en la actualidad, constituyendo un grave problema de salud pública en Brasil. Se estima que más de 300 millones de personas sufren de depresión en todo el mundo y que esta condición es diferente de los cambios de humor habituales y las respuestas emocionales de corta duración comunes a los desafíos de la vida cotidiana. El análisis de la conducta como enfoque tiene su visión de la depresión, entendiéndola como patrones de respuesta adquiridos que se mantienen ante determinadas contingencias y que producen daños en diversos aspectos de la vida del sujeto. Objetivo: A partir de eso, el objetivo fue discutir las características de la depresión, presentar la visión del análisis de la conducta sobre la depresión y cuáles son sus contribuciones a la psicoterapia analítico-conductual en personas con conductas depresivas. Métodos: Para ello se realizó una revisión integrativa de la literatura basada en seis pasos recomendados. De acuerdo con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, fueron seleccionados tres artículos que abordaban el tema central del estudio. Resultados y discusión: Los resultados destacaron que en el enfoque analítico-conductual primero se identifica la conducta problema y luego se realiza un análisis funcional, donde se analizarán los antecedentes de esa conducta dada, las consecuencias que las mantienen en ocurrencia e identificar los efectos causados ​​por ellos. Consideraciones finales: las limitaciones y potencialidades del manuscrito se discuten en la sección final.Introdução: A depressão é um transtorno mental amplamente vivenciado na atualidade, constituindo-se em um grave problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Estima-se que mais de 300 milhões de pessoas sofrem de depressão em todo o mundo, sendo que essa condição difere das oscilações usuais de humor e das respostas emocionais de curta duração comuns apresentados face aos desafios da vida cotidiana. A análise do comportamento, enquanto abordagem, tem sua visão sobre a depressão, entendendo-a como padrões de resposta adquiridos e mantidos sob determinadas contingências. Objetivo: Discutir sobre as características da depressão a partir da visão da análise do comportamento e quais as contribuições da psicoterapia analítica-comportamental em pessoas com comportamentos depressivos. Métodos: trata-se de uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura executada à luz de seis etapas recomendas. Segundo os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram selecionados três artigos que abordaram a temática central do estudo. Resultados e discussão: Diante do exposto, observou-se como principal resultado desta pesquisa, foi a identificação que o termo “análise do comportamento” quando lançado nas Bases da Biblioteca virtual da Saúde (BVS) direciona a busca para estudos que versam sobre a análise de comportamentos associados a alguma patologia, conforme o entendimento biomédico deste termo. Esse resultado evidencia para uma contradição que envolve a Psicologia como ciência ligada ao campo da saúde e/ou das ciências humana. Considerações finais: Salienta-se a necessidade de estudos que discutam a análise do comportamento como abordagem teórica trazida por Skinner, visto que muitos estudos a traziam no senso comum e não como uma vertente da Psicologia

    Natural History of Patients with Ischemia and No Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: The CIAO-ISCHEMIA Study

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    Background: Ischemia with no obstructive coronary artery disease (INOCA) is common and has an adverse prognosis. We set out to describe the natural history of symptoms and ischemia in INOCA. Methods: CIAO-ISCHEMIA (Changes in Ischemia and Angina over One year in ISCHEMIA trial screen failures with INOCA) was an international cohort study conducted from 2014-2019 involving angina assessments (Seattle Angina Questionnaire [SAQ]) and stress echocardiograms 1-year apart. This was an ancillary study that included patients with history of angina who were not randomized in the ISCHEMIA trial. Stress-induced wall motion abnormalities were determined by an echocardiographic core laboratory blinded to symptoms, coronary artery disease (CAD) status and test timing. Medical therapy was at the discretion of treating physicians. The primary outcome was the correlation between changes in SAQ Angina Frequency score and change in echocardiographic ischemia. We also analyzed predictors of 1-year changes in both angina and ischemia, and compared CIAO participants with ISCHEMIA participants with obstructive CAD who had stress echocardiography before enrollment, as CIAO participants did. Results: INOCA participants in CIAO were more often female (66% of 208 vs. 26% of 865 ISCHEMIA participants with obstructive CAD, p\u3c0.001), but the magnitude of ischemia was similar (median 4 ischemic segments [IQR 3-5] both groups). Ischemia and angina were not significantly correlated at enrollment in CIAO (p=0.46) or ISCHEMIA stress echocardiography participants (p=0.35). At 1 year, the stress echocardiogram was normal in half of CIAO participants and 23% had moderate or severe ischemia (≥3 ischemic segments). Angina improved in 43% and worsened in 14%. Change in ischemia over one year was not significantly correlated with change in angina (rho=0.029). Conclusions: Improvement in ischemia and improvement in angina were common in INOCA, but not correlated. Our INOCA cohort had a similar degree of inducible wall motion abnormalities to concurrently enrolled ISCHEMIA participants with obstructive CAD. Our results highlight the complex nature of INOCA pathophysiology and the multifactorial nature of angina

    Cardiovasc Diabetol

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    Lower-extremity arterial disease (LEAD) is a major endemic disease with an alarming increased prevalence worldwide. It is a common and severe condition with excess risk of major cardiovascular events and death. It also leads to a high rate of lower-limb adverse events and non-traumatic amputation. The American Diabetes Association recommends a widespread medical history and clinical examination to screen for LEAD. The ankle brachial index (ABI) is the first non-invasive tool recommended to diagnose LEAD although its variable performance in patients with diabetes. The performance of ABI is particularly affected by the presence of peripheral neuropathy, medial arterial calcification, and incompressible arteries. There is no strong evidence today to support an alternative test for LEAD diagnosis in these conditions. The management of LEAD requires a strict control of cardiovascular risk factors including diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia. The benefit of intensive versus standard glucose control on the risk of LEAD has not been clearly established. Antihypertensive, lipid-lowering, and antiplatelet agents are obviously worthfull to reduce major cardiovascular adverse events, but few randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have evaluated the benefits of these treatments in terms of LEAD and its related adverse events. Smoking cessation, physical activity, supervised walking rehabilitation and healthy diet are also crucial in LEAD management. Several advances have been achieved in endovascular and surgical revascularization procedures, with obvious improvement in LEAD management. The revascularization strategy should take into account several factors including anatomical localizations of lesions, medical history of each patients and operator experience. Further studies, especially RCTs, are needed to evaluate the interest of different therapeutic strategies on the occurrence and progression of LEAD and its related adverse events in patients with diabetes


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    FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgicoO presente estudo à fruto de pesquisa-intervenÃÃo realizada em uma escola pÃblica de Fortaleza, e tem como objetivo problematizar os usos das novas tecnologias em ambiente escolar e sua atuaÃÃo na produÃÃo de subjetividade com estudantes e educadores. Assume contribuiÃÃes teÃrico-prÃricas de pensadores como Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e FÃlix Guattari, sobretudo no que se refere à concepÃÃo de sujeito e subjetividade; fundamenta-se em conceitos-ferramenta da AnÃlise Institucional francesa, como implicaÃÃo, restituiÃÃo e analisador, e da cartografia; e ampara-se em Paula Sibilia para conceber a escola como tecnologia de Ãpoca, que vive hoje na sociedade de controle produzindo sujeitos num contexto institucional de conflito entre prÃticas disciplinares e jovens conectados. A pesquisa abrangeu uma oficina de produÃÃo de vÃdeo com onze participantes, alÃm de observaÃÃo de campo e conversas informais com estudantes e educadores. TrÃs restituiÃÃes foram realizadas ao longo de todo o processo, sendo a Ãltima com os educadores da Escola. Filmadoras e cÃmeras fotogrÃficas foram utilizadas para documentar as atividades. O vÃdeo surgiu como dispositivo de pesquisa, atuando ativamente na produÃÃo de dados e na transformaÃÃo da realidade. Como pesquisa-intervenÃÃo de base cartogrÃfica, o estudo se caracteriza por um pesquisar com, em que se prioriza o acompanhamento do processo, bem como o encontro singular entre pesquisadores, escola e sujeitos de pesquisa. A anÃlise dos resultados apontou para a produÃÃo de alguns analisadores, que surgiram no contexto da pesquisa. Os analisadores sinalizaram tensÃo entre conectividade juvenil e disponibilidade institucional no acesso aos recursos das novas tecnologias; e apresentaram a forma como consumo, apropriaÃÃo e produÃÃo midiÃtica por parte dos jovens à atravessada pela relaÃÃo educador-estudante. O celular do tipo smartphone apareceu como figura central na produÃÃo de dados, como equipamento pessoal portÃtil com funÃÃes mÃltiplas capaz de manter os jovens em conexÃo permanente. O estudo problematizou a forma como a utilizaÃÃo das novas tecnologias na Escola à atravessada por relaÃÃes que envolvem poder e resistÃncia, intensificando a cultura da vigilÃncia e do controle. A hiperconectividade e a comunicaÃÃo virtual, especialmente atravÃs da utilizaÃÃo das redes sociais, estÃo presentes no ambiente de ensino, participando ativamente da produÃÃo de subjetividade e sinalizando outras formas de sociabilidade na escola pesquisada, em que a publicizaÃÃo da intimidade aparece como vetor fundamental da relaÃÃo entre os jovens.The present study is a result of an intervention research made in a public school of Fortaleza. The goal is to question the new technologiesâ use in a school environment and itâs worthy in the production of subjectivity among students and teachers. This investigation is intended to be contribution in theories and practice of philosophers (or thinkers) like Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari â especially in its association with subject and subjectivity. The present work has its fundaments in French school of institutional analysis of concepts and tools, as implication, restitution and analyzer, as well as Cartography. It also has its fundaments in Paula Sibilia in order to understand school as a technology of our time, living in a controlling society which produces subjects in a context of institutional conflict between disciplinary practices and connected youth. The research has made use of video making with eleven participants, as well as field observations and informal conversation with students and educators. Three restitutions happened along the process, the last one happening among school educators. Video cameras and photo shoots were used for data recording. Videos are now tools of research producing data and reality changing. As cartography base intervention research, the study is taken as a âresearch withâ, which prioritizes the process and the singular connection among researchers, school and researched subjects. The results points out to some analyzersâ work that were incorporated to the research along the process. Those analyzers highlighted the tension between youth connectivity and institutional availability in providing access to new resources of technology and to the kind of youth consume appropriation and media products through the duality teacher-student. Smartphones came as a main tool in the data acquisition, like a personal and portable gadget with multiple uses which are able to keep the youth permanently connected. The study problematized the way school new technologies are linked to power-resistance relationships, intensifying the culture watch and control. Hyper-connectivity and virtual communication â especially through social media use â are present in the school environment, being a great agent of production of subjectivity and a tool for other socializing forms in a targeted school, where personal information are made public as a fundamental format of relationship among the youth